Chiropractic care is commonly sought by people seeking relief from neck or back pain, but chiropractors are not limited to only care for the spine. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, Dr. James Huggins, Jr. is trained to adjust and treat extremities including knees, smaller joints such as the toes, and the shoulders. Sometimes shoulder pain is caused by joint irritation, which is why chiropractic relief for shoulder pain can often be achieved through manipulation and other treatments.
The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. It is surrounded by nerves, tendons, bursa and other tissues which can all be irritated and cause pain. Pain further up the body, for example, in the neck, can also refer pain into the shoulder joint as can trigger points in the muscle, or a “knot.” At Carolina Chiropractic Center, gentle adjustments can be performed to distract the joint or shift it forward or backward depending on symptoms. Massage therapy may also be administered depending on what the patient prefers.
If you have shoulder pain, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about the services we provide at our office, be sure to contact Carolina Chiropractic Center for an appointment. Our Florence, SC office can be reached by phone at (843) 665-9192 or through our website,
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