Spinal Decompression Therapy, or DTS, is a noninvasive, nonaddictive alternative to surgery. It can help relieve pain and symptoms related to a number of problems, like sciatica, back and neck pain, degenerative discs, etc. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., Dr. James Huggins Jr. is available for appointments.
DTS therapy decompresses the spine with distraction and proper positioning. This allows for improved blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. During the appointment, you will be instructed in cycles of stretching and relaxation.
Therapy sessions are three times a week over a course of a month. Each session will take around twenty minutes. Most patients notice improvement within six to eight sessions. As your session progress, your treatments will go from more passive to active.
The goal of DTS therapy is to heal your body as a whole, allowing it to return to a harmonized state. With most traditional medical doctors, treatment is based around just the injured area. Chiropractors focus on your body as a whole. This is what allows chiropractic techniques to succeed where traditional medicine fails. DTS therapy stabilizes your muscles while remedying the cause of the pain. It works to strengthen your whole body, not just the injured area.
Periodic visits to our office and regular workouts own your own prevents the chances of re-injury and relapse. Patients who receive the best results complete the entire DTS therapy cycle, along with utilizing other chiropractic services. A combination of heat, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and cold therapy can speed up your recovery.
Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.
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