





Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and lifelong condition. Constant pain takes a toll on your quality of life. That’s why Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center offers holistic and noninvasive treatments. But what is Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) exactly? It is a chronic pain disorder, causing widespread pain throughout the musculoskeletal system. The muscles, joints, soft tissues, and tendons are all affected. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations greatly decrease painful symptoms. Learn more by contacting our office today.


FMS is hard to diagnose and treat. To this day, there is no known medical cause for its development. Theories range from genetics, infections, and even physical/emotional stress. With traditional Western medicine, professionals focus on just treating your symptoms. Pain medication is the go-to treatment. Only with chiropractic care is your entire body the focus. Your Florence, SC, chiropractor believes that treating the root of the pain cures any symptoms. These noninvasive treatments are the only way to improve your quality of life.


Spinal misalignments are referred to as a subluxation. Having one increases your painful FMS symptoms. This is due to the nature of subluxations, which interrupt the nervous system. Your nervous system provides communication for your entire body. It’s a necessary bodily system. Spinal manipulation relieves these blockages. Dr. Huggins Jr. uses his hands or tools to release the subluxation. He moves the injured vertebra back into place. It is a quick and nearly painless process.


Chiropractic treatment is a necessary investment for FMS patients. It improves your sleep, pain, and fatigue levels. Patients benefit greatly from bi-weekly treatments. Learn more about services like spinal manipulation and chiropractic massage.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

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