





Friday, November 1, 2019

Knee Pain

Have you taken a bump to your knee that’s still sore days later? Don’t wait any longer to get it checked out. At the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, we frequently help people whose musculoskeletal systems have been disrupted by sports injuries and degenerative conditions. If your knee is out of alignment, you may find yourself compensating by throwing off the balance of your hips and lower back, leading to more pain. Our office will help you treat the pain and prevent it from returning.

Knee pain is formally called “patellofemoral syndrome.” The patella, or kneecap, is the largest of the body’s sesamoid bones. What this means is that the kneecap does not directly connect to other bones; it is anchored into a groove in the femur by tendons and ligaments and rests over a bed of cartilage. If there is something wrong with the ligaments, the kneecap may move out of place and rub against the cartilage, removing the leg bones’ cushioning and triggering inflammation. Soreness and stiffness will persist as long as the kneecap is displaced.

An adjustment can put the kneecap back in place and noninvasive therapies, such as electric muscle stimulation and ultrasound, can reduce swelling in the surrounding soft tissues. Our chiropractic office is dedicated to providing musculoskeletal solutions that are cost-effective and low risk. Strengthening exercises will allow the knee tendons to hold the patella more firmly in place in the future, and better posture and hydration will make them less likely to fray.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


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