





Friday, November 8, 2019

Piriformis Syndrome

There are several potential causes of sciatica, including a herniated disc, a narrow spinal canal, and a misplaced vertebra. But if you are frequently experiencing shooting pain or numbness down one leg when you climb stairs or sit for a long period, you may have piriformis syndrome. This muscular disorder can result from acute injuries and overuse, but at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, South Carolina, we’ll identify its cause and help you find safe pain relief.

The sciatic nerve branches off from the spinal cord in the lumbar region of the spine and travels down the leg. On the way, it passes around, through, or on either side of deep muscle in either side of the pelvis named the piriformis. The piriformis muscle is shaped like a triangle and connects the sacrum, the part of the spine between the hip bones, to the top of the femur. It helps to stabilize the hip and rotates the leg away from the body. A swollen piriformis can compress the sciatic nerve, triggering sciatica symptoms.

People can develop Piriformis Syndrome by falling on their hips or by doing intense lower body work that jostles their hips a lot, such as if they run up stairs or rocky hills. Because the symptoms it causes are similar to those of other musculoskeletal disorders, Piriformis Syndrome is diagnosed through imaging and process of elimination. The body can usually recover from piriformis inflammation, so we focus on relieving the patient’s pain through noninvasive, non-addictive treatments such as manual adjustments, therapeutic ultrasounds, and electric muscle stimulation. Patients should gradually return to activity but avoid high-impact exercises and running on hard surfaces.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Friday, November 1, 2019

Knee Pain

Have you taken a bump to your knee that’s still sore days later? Don’t wait any longer to get it checked out. At the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, we frequently help people whose musculoskeletal systems have been disrupted by sports injuries and degenerative conditions. If your knee is out of alignment, you may find yourself compensating by throwing off the balance of your hips and lower back, leading to more pain. Our office will help you treat the pain and prevent it from returning.

Knee pain is formally called “patellofemoral syndrome.” The patella, or kneecap, is the largest of the body’s sesamoid bones. What this means is that the kneecap does not directly connect to other bones; it is anchored into a groove in the femur by tendons and ligaments and rests over a bed of cartilage. If there is something wrong with the ligaments, the kneecap may move out of place and rub against the cartilage, removing the leg bones’ cushioning and triggering inflammation. Soreness and stiffness will persist as long as the kneecap is displaced.

An adjustment can put the kneecap back in place and noninvasive therapies, such as electric muscle stimulation and ultrasound, can reduce swelling in the surrounding soft tissues. Our chiropractic office is dedicated to providing musculoskeletal solutions that are cost-effective and low risk. Strengthening exercises will allow the knee tendons to hold the patella more firmly in place in the future, and better posture and hydration will make them less likely to fray.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Facet Joint Disorders

Do you suffer from pain that seems to radiate out of your backbone? Is it worse when you lean backwards, but mostly random? You may be suffering from a facet joint disorder. This kind of back pain often baffles patients, but at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, we’ll help you to understand its cause, resolve it, and prevent it from returning.

The term “facet joint” refers to the connections between the bony protrusions from the posterior sides of the vertebrae. These joints allow the vertebrae a limited degree of mobility, but also prevent them from sliding too far past each other or rotating too much. When the supportive tissue of the joint is torn, the joint may slide out of place, resulting in a subluxation. The pressure of the displaced vertebra can trigger muscle spasms and irritate the nearby nerves, resulting in radiating pain. Displaced bones can also erode the cartilage that cushions the joints, resulting in stiffness and the growth of bony spurs.

Because pain from a displaced facet joint radiates, it may be hard to identify the source of the problem. Our imaging tests and manual examinations will help us to pinpoint where a facet has broken and distinguish facet joint disorders from problems in the spinal discs or nearby organs. An adjustment can help to relieve pressure on nerves and other soft tissues, as can the application of heat. In the long-term, strengthening the muscles attached to the spine through therapeutic exercise will make vertebrae less likely to move out of place, and better posture will cause less cartilage erosion.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

National Chiropractic Health Month

October marks National Chiropractic Health Month, when chiropractors make particular effort to educate the public about the importance of maintaining musculoskeletal health. Back pain is extremely common, being one of the most frequent medical complaints for people of all ages. But chiropractic is about more than soothing tightness and inflammation in the back muscles. It’s also about ensuring that dislocated joints and swollen tissues won’t disrupt other bodily systems by compressing nerves. Let’s take a look at some basic aspects of joint health and how we at the Carolina Chiopractic Center in Florence can help to keep the body in optimal condition.

Joints are attached to each other by soft tissues called ligaments. Muscles are secured to joints by tendons, which are strong fibers, but are prone to fraying and heal slowly from injuries due to their limited blood supply. The bones that make up a joint are cushioned and lubricated by a substance called articular cartilage, which can be worn down with time or by bone spurs. Some joints are also cushioned by structures called bursae that produce a lubricating fluid called synovia.

Our chiropractic office offers many treatments for reducing inflammation and realigning joints. Manual adjustments correct backbones and shoulder bones that have been displaced by trauma or inflammation of the bursae or muscles. Soft tissue treatments such as electric muscle stimulation, low level laser therapy, and Diapulse combat inflammation directly. Stem cell therapy generates the growth of new connective and cushioning tissue. Furthermore, our knowledge of the musculoskeletal system allows us to not only relieve symptoms, but prevent their return by advising on strength-training and flexibility exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle improvements. With stronger muscles, healthier food, and better posture, you can stop subjecting your joints to stress and remain vibrant throughout life.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Frozen Shoulder

Carolina Chiropractic Center treats numerous musculoskeletal problems, such as “frozen shoulder.” Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is a condition that involves stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. This happens when the tissue around the shoulder joint loses its synovial fluid and causes limited mobility. If you have significant shoulder pain, we recommend that you come in for a visit so that the root of the problem can be diagnosed and we can get you on a treatment plan.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder:

  • Stiffness

  • Very limited mobility

  • Dull or achy pain

  • Difficulty doing daily activities

  • Increase in these symptoms over time

Women are more susceptible to this condition than men, and especially affects people who have had a stroke or mastectomy. We at Carolina Chiropractic Center are committed to helping our patients reach the full extent of their mobility and live pain-free lives. We treat frozen shoulder with a variety of exercises that help with range-of-motion, joint manipulation, and chiropractic adjustments.

Carolina Chiropractic Center is located at 1627 S Irby Suite C, in Florence, SC 29505. For more information on treatment for frozen shoulder, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 843-665-9192.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Chiropractic Care for Personal Injury

When bodily harm occurs from being involved in any type of accident, specifically outside of your workplace, it is considered personal injury. We at Carolina Chiropractic Center recommend coming in for a visit so that we can assess the damage and get you on the road to recovery. Whether it be a single or series of adjustments, your chiropractor is one of the best options for uncovering underlying issues from your accident.

Examples of personal injuries:

  • Auto accidents

  • Motorcycle accidents

  • Bicycle accidents

  • A slip, trip, or fall

While a doctor treats symptoms with prescriptions, a chiropractor works to correct the problem with focused stretching of the affected muscles and careful adjustments. We recommend against letting your injury go untreated since this can cause more problems down the line, and affect your quality of life even more than the accident already has. If you find that everyday tasks cannot be done without significant pain, it may be time to schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr.

Carolina Chiropractic Center is located at 1627 S Irby Suite C, in Florence, SC 29505. For more information on chiropractic adjustments or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 843-665-9192.


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cupping Therapy

The cupping technique has actually been around for quite a while. However, its popularity skyrocketed in 2016 when Michael Phelps showed off five gold medals and the circular, purple welts on his body. Carolina Chiropractic Center is excited to offer cupping therapy to patients in combination with chiropractic care.

There are three popular methods of cupping:

  • Dry cupping, which involves warming the cup and creating suction against the skin as it gradually cools down.

  • Air cupping, which involves a pump that pulls oxygen out of a plastic or silicone cup to create suction against the skin.

  • Massage cupping is used after the cups have been suctioned to the skin for some time. Then they are moved in a gliding motion across the skin, creating a form of massage.

Like acupuncture or normal massages, cupping is a natural way to reduce pain. The method draws toxins in the body to the surface, breaking up obstructions and allowing for better blood flow. However, cupping only offers temporary relief in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. While chiropractic care works to correct your musculoskeletal problem, cupping allows relief from the pain.

Carolina Chiropractic Center is located at 1627 S Irby Suite C, in Florence, SC 29505. For more information on cupping therapy or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 843-665-9192.



Saturday, September 21, 2019

4 Tips for a Healthy Spine

Chiropractic care goes hand in hand with lifestyle changes when it comes to your spine’s long-term health. Simple things like lifting properly or standing ocassionally while working at a desk can make a big difference. We at Carolina Chiropractic Center are dedicated to educating patients about how to be mindful when it comes to spinal wellness. 

Resting and Sleeping

Neck and back strain are common during rest and sleep. Sometimes we fall asleep in strange positions or angles and wake up asking ourselves, “did I sleep a wrong way?” It’s important that your pillow supports your neck and head so that everything is neutral with your spine.


Lifting objects improperly is the most common way to injure your spine. Always use your legs to lift, never your back! Keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. Never twist while picking something up and always set down the object down the same way you lifted it.

Talking and Texting on the Phone

If you need to speak on the phone for an extended period of time, using a speaker or headset is recommended to keep your neck aligned with your spine. Tilting your head towards your shoulder can damage muscles and vertebrae. Similarly, when you’re texting, keep your neck and back straight with the device at chest or eye level. Never hunch!

Working at a Desk

Make sure that you’re getting up every thirty minutes to stretch out your body. Also be sure that when you’re sitting, your feet are flat on the floor with your knees at a ninety-degree angle. Your computer screen should always be at eye-level.

Carolina Chiropractic Center is located at 1627 S Irby Suite C, in Florence, SC 29505. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 843-665-9192.


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Spinal Stenosis

Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Care provides quality chiropractic services to clients in the Florence, SC, area. He treats a variety of conditions, including Spinal Stenosis. This is when the spaces between the spine begin to shrink. Talk to our staff today to learn more about spinal stenosis and how it’s treated.


This condition starts with the structures of the spinal canal moving out of their desired positions. The open areas on the spine are forced into small spaces. Thus, the uncomfortable symptoms that result. The spine doesn’t have enough space to function correctly. There are a few risk factors for developing spinal stenosis. Age is one of the biggest factors. When you grow older, the spinal vertebrae begin to narrow. Thickened ligaments also occur. This produces spurs that push into the spinal canal. Having other spinal conditions also puts you at risk. This includes osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and spondylolisthesis.


The most common symptom is back pain. It can spread throughout the arms and legs, creating pain as well. This is due to the nature of the condition. The spine is pinching the nerves, due to lack of space. Neck pain is also common. There are a few less common conditions, such as weakness, pain while walking, and numbness or tingling in the hands or feet. A diagnosis is made from your medical history and any relevant imaging scans.


Treatment depends entirely upon you. Your Florence, SC, chiropractor bases care around your specific needs. Some of the available options are decompression therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and postural corrections. Reach out to our staff to learn more.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Laser Lipo

Looking good is hard work! But what can you do when dieting and exercise aren’t helping? Dr. James Huggins Jr. offers Laser Lipo services to our patients. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, Laser Liposuction removes body fat without a hospital stay. It’s the newest and best in cosmetic technology. Schedule a consultation with our office in Florence, SC, today.


The procedure itself is very simple. Laser Lipo points lasers at your lower body, puncturing holes in your fat cells. This causes them to deflate. Your fat cells aren’t removed but instead have shrunk. They then release all the stored fatty acids and water into the body. The body naturally flushes these out of your system. The entire procedure is done using pads equipped with the laser diodes. They are placed directly onto your skin.


Your Florence, SC, treats any areas that store fat with Laser Lipo. This includes areas such as,


  • Waist

  • Thighs

  • Abdomen

  • Arms

  • Chin


It’s important to remember that Laser Lipo isn’t a magic cure. You still need to engage in good eating and workout habits to maintain your health. Eligible patients aren’t more than 25 pounds over their healthy weight limit. The recommended treatment schedule is bi-weekly appointments for about four weeks.


If you or a loved one are interested in Laser Lipo, reach out to the staff at Carolina Chiropractic Center. Dr. James Huggins Jr. provides friendly and cost-effective care. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and lifelong condition. Constant pain takes a toll on your quality of life. That’s why Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center offers holistic and noninvasive treatments. But what is Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) exactly? It is a chronic pain disorder, causing widespread pain throughout the musculoskeletal system. The muscles, joints, soft tissues, and tendons are all affected. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations greatly decrease painful symptoms. Learn more by contacting our office today.


FMS is hard to diagnose and treat. To this day, there is no known medical cause for its development. Theories range from genetics, infections, and even physical/emotional stress. With traditional Western medicine, professionals focus on just treating your symptoms. Pain medication is the go-to treatment. Only with chiropractic care is your entire body the focus. Your Florence, SC, chiropractor believes that treating the root of the pain cures any symptoms. These noninvasive treatments are the only way to improve your quality of life.


Spinal misalignments are referred to as a subluxation. Having one increases your painful FMS symptoms. This is due to the nature of subluxations, which interrupt the nervous system. Your nervous system provides communication for your entire body. It’s a necessary bodily system. Spinal manipulation relieves these blockages. Dr. Huggins Jr. uses his hands or tools to release the subluxation. He moves the injured vertebra back into place. It is a quick and nearly painless process.


Chiropractic treatment is a necessary investment for FMS patients. It improves your sleep, pain, and fatigue levels. Patients benefit greatly from bi-weekly treatments. Learn more about services like spinal manipulation and chiropractic massage.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Improving Your Posture for Back Pain

At Carolina Chiropractic Center, we advise our patients on how to practice good posture habits. When you have poor posture, chronic or acute lower back pain is common and can affect everyday activities. To mitigate this problem, Dr. James Huggins Jr. utilizes different methods such as spinal manipulation and therapeutic exercises.

If you work at a desk job, we encourage you to get up every 20-30 minutes and stretch. The way you sit in your chair is important to your posture. When you are at your computer, make sure your back is against the chair and your feet are at a 90-degree angle while the screen is even with your eyes to avoid looking too far up or down.

Regardless of the intensity of the exercise, just being physically active for 30 minutes to an hour a day will strengthen your core muscles and help with your lower back pain.

Don’t forget, when you are experiencing back pain to move around and improve your posture. If the pain in your back lingers for longer than a week or two, schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr.

If you are dealing with back pain, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Benefits of a Healthy Diet for your Body

Our doctors at Carolina Chiropractic Center specialize in treating the body with various spinal adjustments to help heal, repair, and maintain your joints and muscles. While chiropractic care mainly focuses on adjustments and spinal manipulation, a big part of your body functioning healthy is a healthy, nutritious diet.

Your body relies on food for energy and muscle gain which all affects your body’s ability to function at a high level.

A balanced amount of essential nutrients such as fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates ensure that your body is having proper digestion and regulating itself. The more fruits and vegetables your body gets, the better it will feel. A poor diet increases your chances of developing diabetes and heart disease which limit you physically.

Proper nutrition aids your bodies in healing and running like a well-oiled machine. The balance of a proper diet combined with exercise and spinal adjustments is a good recipe to feeling healthy energized.

To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease is an age-related condition that happens when the discs in your back between the vertebrae breaks down and leads to pain. As you age changes in your spine can happen and leads to the loss of cushioning, fragmentation, and herniation in your back.

Not everybody experiences symptoms of degenerative disc disease, it all depends on the patient. If you are experiencing pain in your buttocks, arms, or legs, you may have degenerative disc disease. Other signs include numbness and tingling in the arms and legs may also occur.

At Cleary Family Chiropractic, treatment for Degenerative Disc Treatment may include hot or cold packs, physical therapy, stretching techniques, and surgery in more severe cases.

While Degenerative disc disease can happen naturally, there are things you can do to prevent it. Alcohol and nicotine have proven to be damaging to your bones. Living a healthy lifestyle goes a long way to preventing back and other problems. If you are experiencing any signs of Degenerative disc disease, Dr. James Huggins Jr can help you to find pain relief and get back to 100%.

If you are dealing with regular back pain, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Treating Migraines

If you are suffering from migraines, our doctors at Carolina Chiropractic Care encourage our patients with frequent migraines to schedule an appointment with us. Migraines can occur in any part of the head and can cause you to feel light-headed, have blurred-vision, and be nauseous.

Your diet can diet and the environment you’re living in can trigger migraines. Certain foods such as cheese and wine can be sensitive to you and contribute to your migraines. Our doctors can help you identify different foods that may be causing you pain and reduce the triggers. If the place you live has people that smoke that is one thing that may cause you headaches.

Chiropractic care has proven to help relieve migraines through various spinal adjustments and muscle stimulation.

Migraines may limit your ability to perform everyday activities and function normally. Through chiropractic treatment, we can help to prevent migraines and live pain-free.

If you are dealing with frequent migraines, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Whiplash is a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. Whiplash is a common injury during a rear-end auto accident but can also occur during physical activity and playing sports. After the accident occurs, it is common to experience severe pain in your neck, head, and shoulders. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, we advise our patients who have been in an accident to seek chiropractic care.

When possible, we encourage our patients to seek chiropractic care after auto accidents for treatment. Symptoms of whiplash can include neck pain/stiffness, lower back pain, and blurred vision, ringing in the ears, headache, shoulder pain, and nausea. Our doctors are trained to diagnose and treat whiplash.

Our doctors use all natural chiropractic techniques to help your body recover from whiplash. Treating whiplash with painkillers and other medication puts a Band-Aid on the injury instead of fixing it by treating the entire body as one and not one specific area.

If you are suffering from whiplash after an auto-accident, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Managing Osteoarthritis

Arthritis can mean several different things. The most common form, osteoarthritis, results from the breakdown of cartilage, a slippery substance that cushions and lubricates the bones where they form joints. At the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, we have several safe, complementary means of providing patients with relief from this condition. Although osteoarthritis cannot be reversed, it can be managed.

It was formerly believed that osteoarthritis was purely the result of wear and tear to the joints over time. Recent evidence suggests that another factor is the body losing the ability to produce new collagen, which is the protein that comprises cartilage. As bones rub against each other, they may flake off, and the free-floating chips could trigger the body’s inflammatory response. But inflammation is not always triggered (the condition is sometimes called “degenerative joint disease”), and other possible consequences include the growth of bony spurs and painful stiffness.

People who are older are at greater risk for osteoarthritis, and joints that have previously been injured have a greater risk of developing it. Adjustments can help realign joints that are not currently inflamed. During outbreaks, our options for reducing inflammation include therapeutic ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, and low level laser therapy. Therapeutic exercise can also keep the muscles surrounding arthritis joints strong and flexible, helping them to retain their shape and relieving cartilage from stress.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Friday, July 12, 2019

Importance of Vitamin D

During the summer, we have more opportunities to produce Vitamin D. This hormone plays a crucial role in bone strength by facilitating the body’s absorption of calcium. But although sunlight is necessary for its production, many people may still not get enough, which is why we at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence want the public to understand its importance.

Calcium is the mineral that strengthens bones. It is not produced in our bodies, but absorbed in our intestines when the cells there are made active by Vitamin D. (It is possible to absorb too much, which is why they can be deactivated.) Vitamin D is produced in cholesterol when skin is exposed to sunlight, but it can also be consumed from certain sources. Among the best dietary sources are fatty fish, eggs, beef liver, dairy, and green leafy vegetables. Orange juice and cereal are also commonly fortified with Vitamin D and calcium.

Deficiencies in Vitamin D are not always apparent, but over time, they can cause a person to have difficulty growing bone tissue. This may cause them to develop osteoporosis, which will cause them to stoop forward as they age. Besides increasing their sun exposure and improving their nutrient intake, people can also prevent bone fragility by strengthening their muscles.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Back Tips for Long Trips

Many people will be driving or riding in planes or trains over the summer. You probably know about the toll prolonged sitting takes on office workers, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that travel can be rough on a person’s back, too. We hope that all our patients at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence will exercise preventive measures, so we thought we’d share a few tips.

You don’t want to have to stretch your spine to reach the steering wheel or pedels. Scoot your chair up as close to the wheel as you comfortably can. It’s also a good idea to change your position on the steering wheel sometimes to prevent shoulder freeze. Office workers are advised to get out of their chairs and stretch about every half hour. This is good advice for people sitting in vehicles, as well, but at minimum, they should try to make sure they flex their legs and ankles that often. If your car seat doesn’t have lower back support, you can provide some by putting a small cylindrical pillow in the curve of your lower spine. A rolled up blanket or soft piece of clothing may serve, if necessary. Specialized cushions may be available for people with particular problems, such as sciatica.

Generally, anything that is causing you discomfort at the start of your trip will only get worse. Don’t sit with objects in your back pockets and if you’re not driving, keep your feet on a flat surface. Also, remember to keep your head upright and facing forward instead of at a mobile device in your lap.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Friday, June 28, 2019

What is Spondylolisthesis?

A back injury presents a threat to the body’s nervous system. Some injuries are painful, but others may go undetected or cause nerve compression or muscle tightness without their cause being readily apparent. This week on our blog, we at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence want to discuss spondylolisthesis, the condition in which one vertebra slips over another. It is a common injury that may be hard to identify without an x-ray.

Degenerative Spondylolisthesis is often related to Degenerative Disc Disease. As the spongy discs between vertebral bodies become less elastic with age, they are less able to prevent slippages in the vertebrae. This disorder is often found in women over the age of sixty. However, a vertebra can also slip forward due to a fracture in the facet joint that connects it to the rest of the spinal column. This is the leading cause of back pain among teenagers and often occurs in the upper lumbar region. Slipped lumbar vertebra can cause pain in muscles spanning from the lower back to the gluteal region and may compress a sciatic nerve, causing shooting pain down the leg.

We employ nonsurgical, minimally invasive techniques for guiding slipped vertebrae back into place. We will then aim to strengthen the patient’s core muscles to prevent relapses. Therapeutic exercise will increase flexibility and relieve stress from the spinal column. We can also provide pain-relieving therapies such as ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation for muscle tightness and inflammation.

Dr. James Huggins runs the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019


The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It runs throughout your whole torso and into your legs. When a patient is suffering from Sciatica, they’re really experiencing sciatic pain. That’s why sciatica is more of a symptom than an actual diagnosis. It’s the result of a nerve being aggravated or pinched in some way. Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC, provides sciatica treatment for patients.


Common symptoms of sciatic pain are lower back pain, problems controlling the lower extremities, tingling and loss of sensation in the legs and feet, and a burning sensation running down through the back and legs. It is often caused by spinal misalignment, spinal stenosis, and bulging or herniated discs.


Diagnosing sciatica can be difficult. The pain comes and goes sporadically, making it hard to treat. Locating the cause of the pain is the only way to relieve the symptoms. Your Florence chiropractor will perform a spinal evaluation. He can pinpoint where exactly the problem is.


Whether it's caused by a disc injury or a spinal problem, a chiropractic adjustment is the recommended treatment. Dr. Huggins Jr. restores your disc alignment and spinal function. Manual therapy is another treatment route, relieving muscles that are pinching the nerves.


Schedule an appointment at Carolina Chiropractic Center if your suffering from sciatic pain. If other treatments aren’t working, it’s time to visit our Florence, SC, office. To schedule your appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Chiropractic Treatment for Allergies

As the old saying goes, “spring showers bring May flowers.” What they didn’t add in is that these flowers and budding plant life bring a host of allergens. Springtime allergies can make everyday life miserable. Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Care, located in Florence, offers chiropractic treatment for allergies. To learn more, contact our office today.


Your nervous system and immune system are directly connected. Meaning when your nervous system is out of sync, so is your immune system. During allergy season, your immune system goes into overdrive due to the increased amount of allergens. Aligning your spine with regular adjustments improves its functioning levels.


Misalignment in the spine, especially in the neck area, interferes with your body’s main mode of communication. Your Florence chiropractor provides spinal adjustment and manipulations. This restores the blocked pathways. Not only is it good for your joints and soft tissues, but for your immune system as well.


Stress also has a central role in your hypersensitivity to allergens. Constant or chronic stress weakens your adrenal glands. Your body will then have a harder time controlling allergic reactions. Again, spinal adjustments reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body by realigning the spine. The result is improved communication between your adrenal glands and nervous system.


Dr. Huggins Jr. also recommends changing up your dietary and exercise routine. Certain environmental factors and foods can unknowingly trigger your allergies. Improving your respiratory system through exercise strengthens your total body connection. Your respiratory system is the main target of allergens, containing your nose, throat, and lungs.


Interested in learning more about holistic treatment for allergies? Contact Carolina Chiropractic Care. Our office is in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Dr. James Huggins Jr., of Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., offers Electrical Muscle Stimulation to his patients. Electrical Muscle Stimulation also called EMS or E-Stim, is a technique for helping the body heal. This is done by sending a small electrical current into the injured soft tissue or muscle. This reduces swelling and releases locked up trigger points. It also allows the body to release endorphins or natural pain relievers.


At the procedure, electrodes will be placed upon the affected areas. Common placement is on the back of the neck, the upper or lower back, shoulder, knee, ankle, or wrist. These electrodes allow low-level electrical currents to travel from EMS machines into your body. The electrical current mimics the pulses naturally found within your body. This engages the central nervous system, causing muscle contractions. Eventually, the contractions will tire out the muscles. Any spasms will be gone, and endorphins will be released.


The procedure itself is not painful. Most patients report the sensation as tingling yet soothing. It doesn’t cause burning, stinging, or stabbing pain. Patients who experience inflammation, muscle spasms, edema, and acute and chronic pain have found success with EMS therapy. It’s also been found to relieve headaches and stress, along with improving range of motion in the joints.


If you are experiencing pain or an injury that just doesn't seem to heal, contact Carolina Chiropractic Center today, located in Florence, SC. Dr. James Huggins Jr. is available for appointment, schedule online through our website or call 843-665-9192.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cold Laser Therapy

The goal of chiropractic treatment is to cure your symptoms while finding the cause. Only by treating the cause can you be completely healed. That is why Dr. James Huggins Jr. offers Cold Laser Therapy (CLT) to our patients at Carolina Chiropractic Center. It treats a handful of different medical conditions. It is a non-invasive and holistic alternative. Our office is located in Florence, SC.


Cold Laser Therapy treats back and neck pain, along with inflammatory conditions like sprains, tendonitis, and arthritis. More recently it’s been used for carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries, and muscle and joint pain. It is FDA approved and tested on conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and bursitis.


The goal of CLT is to improve and increase your body’s natural healing abilities. Chiropractic care focuses on helping your body utilize its natural functions. The cold lasers are handheld appliances. Most of them are around the size of a flashlight. Your Florence chiropractor places the laser on the injured area. It’s held there for 30 seconds to a few minutes. Specific wavelengths help jumpstart the healing process. The light emitted from the lasers moves throughout your body to open communication between your cells and the brain. The result is the release of neurotoxins and natural healing chemicals. Your body will begin to increase circulation and decrease inflammation.


If you are looking for a non-invasive, non-addicting, and painless treatment, contact Carolina Chiropractic Center. We are located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Disc Herniation Treatment

When you experience a herniated or “slipped disc,” the intervertebral discs between your vertebra have begun to crack. The material inside starts to bulge out, pinching your nerves and causing pain. Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center can help. We offer a variety of different treatment plans. Contact our office in Florence, SC.


Your first appointment starts with Dr. Huggins Jr. reviewing your medical history. This gives us insight into any diseases or medical conditions that could be causing the disc herniation. A physical examination is the next step. Your Florence chiropractor evaluates the spine, checking for loss of sensation or muscle deterioration. He also tests your reflexes.


Once the herniated disc is located, a treatment plan is put into place. Almost all of these treatments involve spinal manipulation. How this works is Dr. Huggins Jr. uses either his hands or instruments to move the vertebra back into place. The entire treatment depends directly upon you and your body. Your pain levels, overall activity, and general health are greatly taken into consideration.


Some patients are not eligible for this form of chiropractic treatment. For more advanced spinal injuries, a surgeon may be recommended. Other diseases or medical conditions can also disqualify you. Any decisions are made entirely by Dr. Huggins Jr. and his medical expertise.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

DTS Therapy

Spinal Decompression Therapy, or DTS, is a noninvasive, nonaddictive alternative to surgery. It can help relieve pain and symptoms related to a number of problems, like sciatica, back and neck pain, degenerative discs, etc. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., Dr. James Huggins Jr. is available for appointments.


DTS therapy decompresses the spine with distraction and proper positioning. This allows for improved blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. During the appointment, you will be instructed in cycles of stretching and relaxation.


Therapy sessions are three times a week over a course of a month. Each session will take around twenty minutes. Most patients notice improvement within six to eight sessions. As your session progress, your treatments will go from more passive to active.


The goal of DTS therapy is to heal your body as a whole, allowing it to return to a harmonized state. With most traditional medical doctors, treatment is based around just the injured area. Chiropractors focus on your body as a whole. This is what allows chiropractic techniques to succeed where traditional medicine fails. DTS therapy stabilizes your muscles while remedying the cause of the pain. It works to strengthen your whole body, not just the injured area.


Periodic visits to our office and regular workouts own your own prevents the chances of re-injury and relapse. Patients who receive the best results complete the entire DTS therapy cycle, along with utilizing other chiropractic services. A combination of heat, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and cold therapy can speed up your recovery.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Auto Injury

Car accidents are very scary and stressful situations. People often experience whiplash, where the head is suddenly and violently jolted forward, backward, or to the side. Many times traditional doctors don’t do enough to heal such an injury. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., Dr. James Huggins Jr. will work with you to fully relieve your pain and symptoms.


Soft tissue injuries often go overlooked after a car accident. But these injuries can be just as bothersome as others. As mentioned, whiplash happens when the head is suddenly thrown forward, backward or to the side. This is commonly seen in rear-end car accidents. The result is a destabilization of the spine. A variety of symptoms arise from this. The most common are blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, shoulder pain, reduced range of motion in the neck, arm pain, neck stiffness, and low back pain. This is not a life-threatening injury, but left untreated will result in chronic pain.


Dr. Huggins Jr. can evaluate you after an auto accident. From this evaluation and your symptoms, a treatment plan can be created. In most cases, spinal adjustments can be made. Physical therapy can be utilized, with our staff giving you exercises that will help improve healing and range of motion. Massage therapy has also proven to be beneficial. Early detection is key to preventing and determining any problems before they have a chance to develop.


If you are interested in learning more about our auto injury or other services, contact Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC. Dr. James Huggins Jr. is available through appointment. You can schedule an appointment online by visiting our website or by calling 843-665-9192.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Ultrasound Therapy

At Carolina Chiropractic Center we offer a variety of treatment options to get rid of pain and muscle stiffness. Ultrasound therapy has been around for over 50 years and offers a great way of improving joint pain and mobility.

We encourage our patients who are dealing with arthritis and joint pain to consider ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound therapy is done with a small device that creates small sound waves that vibrate and massage your soft tissues. The sound waves that are created are sent to your muscles which help to loosen them and decrease scar tissue. Using heat, the ultrasound drive increases your tissues temperature, relaxing your muscles and starting the healing process. Studies have shown ultrasound therapy to speed up the recovery process from injuries.

Don’t forget if you are struggling with mobility to consider ultrasound therapy as a solution. We want to make sure you’re pain-free and healthy!

If you are dealing with joint pain or arthritis, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Why You Should Choose Chiropractic Care

When a patient gets injured, they often first seek out traditional Western medicine. Often times though, most patients find themselves not getting better. This is because other medical professionals focus on fixing the symptoms while ignoring what has caused it. This isn’t the case with chiropractic care. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, Dr. James Huggins Jr. helps you find a treatment that works for you.


All our treatments plans and services are non-invasive and holistic. You will not be given medications or narcotics for your pain. We focus on helping your body naturally heal itself. At most, we will recommend vitamins and nutritional advice. It is a common misbelief that chiropractors only treat back and neck pain. Dr. Huggins can help treat symptoms of sciatica and joint pain, along with fibromyalgia, allergies, insomnia, headaches and more.


At your first appointment with Dr. Huggins, you will discuss your health problems. This is also the time where you can ask any questions or address any concerns that you may have. A physical examination will be done to get a better idea of what is causing your problems. Dr. Huggins will most likely take some x-rays too. Depending on the results, he will work with you to find a treatment that's best.


Carolina Chiropractic Center is located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Keeping Your Spine Healthy

Prevention is the key to keeping your body healthy. When you take the initiative to be more in tune with yourself, you are giving yourself the key to a long and active life. Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., offers these tips for a healthy spine. These holistic alternatives to Western medical treatments and prevention utilize your body's own mechanisms for an unimpaired life.


Sleep Posture

You might not think so, but the way you sleep at night has a large effect on your spine. When you sleep properly, your body is allowed to fully heal and rest. The right kind of pillow is very important for your spinal health. If you sleep on your side or back you should use a thicker pillow. For stomach sleepers, make sure to use a thin pillow. You can also place pillows in other areas to support different parts of your body.


Strong Core

Try to add in a few abdominal exercises to your workout routine every week. This will improve your posture and balance. Having better posture takes unnecessary stress off your spine. A stronger core can also help prevent injuries and accidents.


Heavy Lifting

Be careful when lifting heavy objects. There are many ways to injure yourself when lifting. Lift with your legs while keeping a straight back. Do not attempt to twist or turn while lifting.


Sitting Posture

When you are sitting for extended periods of time, follow this advice. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your legs at a 90-degree angle. Sit up straight with your shoulders rolled back. Adjust your desk so that your monitor is at eye level. Try to get up and stretch every 20-30 minutes.


If you are interested in learning more health tips, or our chiropractic services, visit Carolina Chiropractic Center today. We are located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Office Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of designing a workspace and job that accommodates each individual employee's physical abilities and limitations. The more physically comfortable you are, the more productive you will be. Dr. James Huggins Jr. of Carolina Chiropractic Center, located in Florence, SC., has some advice for patients who sit at a desk for the majority of the day. These tips can help keep your body and mind healthy.


The most important aspect of your workspace should be your desk. Adjusting it to your body is crucial to staying healthy. Make sure your desk is the appropriate height for your body. For objects on your desks, place them within arms reach. For your computer monitor, adjust it so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. Look forward straight at the monitor to prevent neck pain.



When sitting, keep your feet touching the floor at all times. Your legs should be at 90-degree angles. Sit up straight against the back of your chair with your shoulders rolled back. It is important to stand up and stretch every 20-30 minutes. Make sure to stretch your neck, arms and wrists, and back.


Your wrists should be kept straight when typing at your computer. Keep your shoulders perpendicular to the floor, with your forearms parallel to the floor. Don’t move the computer mouse with just your wrist. Use your entire arm and shoulder instead. Consider using ergonomically designed keyboards.


To learn more ergonomic and health tips, visit Carolina Chiropractic Center. We are located in Florence, SC. To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr., visit our website or call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Shopping for Shoes

The balance of your feet can determine the balance of the rest of your body. We at the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence hope that our patients are keeping their lower backs in alignment. That’s a lot harder to do while wearing poorly-fitted shoes that encourage slouching or overcompensating by tensing up one side of the body, so we thought we’d provide some tips for when you go shopping.

Your feet need support under and on the sides of their arches. While high heels are terrible for your feet, flats—including most dress shoes and flip-flops—don’t help them, either. The best shoes are sneakers made of breathable material with a padded collar that will stabilize the ankle without restricting it. The bottoms should have a firm grip but not add a lot of weight to the shoe.

Shopping should be done late in the day, when the feet have flattened out slightly from bearing the shopper’s weight for hours. But shoppers should also give themselves lots of time to browse because shoes that still need to be broken in after being worn for ten minutes are probably not the right size. The toe box needs to be large enough that the toes won’t bunch up on each other and won’t be at risk of developing ingrown toenails. Shoppers should wear the socks they plan to pair with the shoes (and it is recommended that runners wear socks to wick away sweat). Shoes should be replaced when the treads wear out, which could occur after a few months if they are being worn during daily exercise. Although sneakers are the kind of shoe most often built for support, orthopedically-friendly sandals and dress shoes are becoming more popular. We can also provide patients with customized orthotics.

Dr. James Huggins operates the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Neck Stretches

Neck pain can often be treated through safe, minimally invasive means. At the Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, our treatments for cervical misalignments and the headaches and shoulder pain they cause include spinal adjustments, spinal decompression, and ultrasound therapy. But therapeutic exercise will likely be crucial to a patient’s recovery and continued well-being.

We don’t recommend that injured patients attempt to create their own workout routines, but it can be helpful for them to know what to expect from a visit to our office. Neck pain is often due to strain in the neck’s soft tissues as a result of an injury or overuse. We try to restore the neck’s flexibility through strengthening exercises and stretches. Some examples are slowly bending the neck forward or backward, rotating the head ninety degrees each way, and pressing the ear against the shoulder. The patient would need to hold the pose for a few seconds, with the length of time and the number of stretches gradually increasing.

Neck stretches should be a part of ordinary warm-up and cool-down routines. While it remains unclear whether stronger neck muscles can guard against concussions, they do help to take weight off the cervical spine and combat degenerative disease. Of course, there are other potential causes of neck pain, which is another reason why it is important for people to come in for a diagnosis as early as possible.

Dr. James Huggins operates the Carolina Chiropractic Center at 1627 Suite C, South Irby, Florence, South Carolina, 29505. To set up an appointment, call 843-665-9192 or visit Carolina Chiro Center and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Excess Weight and Joint Pain

Are you putting off exercise because you’re under the impression that it needs to be rigorous? According to recent studies, even the slightest bit of physical activity, combined with less time sitting, can improve cardiovascular health. The idea of losing weight can be exhausting, but not losing those extra pounds will have a negative effect on your overall health in addition to your joint health. If excess weight is causing you pain and discomfort, schedule a consultation with Dr. James Huggins, Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center.

To keep it simple, by reducing your weight, you can reduce and eliminate joint pain. Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent conditions resulting from obesity. Years of carrying around excess weight can cause achy, swollen, and stiff joints. The more weight that is placed on the joint, such as the hips, knees, and lower extremities, the more wear and tear will occur on the cartilage. If you have weight-induced joint pain, replacing sedentary time with light physical activity may prevent further damage.

If you have questions or concerns about chiropractic treatment or pain management, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our office, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins, Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192. 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sports Injury and Prevention

Every athlete should consider seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractors are best equipped to handle injuries to athletes and prevent them before they happen. Unlike medical doctors who target a specific area, chiropractors treat the entire musculoskeletal system. Dr. James Huggins at Carolina Chiropractic Center recommends athletes come to see him for any sports-related injuries and prevention. If not treated properly, a specific injury could lead to multiple injuries and never heal properly.

Chiropractors are trained to diagnose and manage sports-related injuries as part of their core competencies. Paying close attention to joint manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and specific customized exercises are what chiropractors are trained to do. Treating sports injuries without medical assistance will lead to fewer injuries in the future and better performance.

To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit, to schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Foot Orthotics

A lot of times foot issues can be resolved simply by having foot orthotics. Orthotics is small and goes on the bottom your shoe to help with ankle and feet problems. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendinitis, diabetic foot ulcers, and foot, ankle, and heel pain all can be helped with the use of orthotics.

The first kind of orthotics is simply an insert you buy at sporting goods stores and shoe stores. They are usually made with gel, plastic or foam and you can simply put them in your shoe although they won’t be a perfect fit. Those kinds of insets can help with comfort in a shoe but are not a solution to foot issues.

Orthotics, are medical prescribed devices specially designed to fit your feet and fix a medical condition with patients feet. At Carolina Chiropractic Center, Dr. James Huggins Jr. can diagnose any feet issues patients have and design the right orthotic for them. Medical orthotics are a great investment and can last well over a year well preserving your feet and curing any pain patients may be experiencing.

If you think you could benefit from foot orthotics, come see Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit To schedule an appointment with Dr. James Huggins Jr. at Carolina Chiropractic Center in Florence, SC, call 843-665-9192.